Friday, January 30, 2009


Here's a First time for Dayton!
He bought himself a knife Wednesday night. I tried talking him out of buying one but since it was his money I let him. Which he already had a couple knifes but my dad"grandpa" dulled them for him. Okay so Yesterday after school Dayton and Braylen are outside playing and I was CLEANING their room and I hear Dayton scream kinda like he was playing and I ran to the front door to see him standing there holding his knife. He said I cut my thumb. Which at the time he didn't show me the cut hand so I'm thinking just a little cut because there was no tears. He knew he wasn't suppose to have the knife if I wasn't around. So I was ready to "Beat him." Then he shows me his other hand and I scream, then he starts to cry. Jamie is at work so I call him because I'm about to go crazy seeing all of the blood. Of course He doesn't answer so I call the main office and I tell the lady to get a hold of Jamie I'm on my way because Dayton just cut his thumb. This whole time I tell him to hold pressure on it. So when we get to Jamie's work the bleeding has stopped. A good thing. Jamie thinks it only needs a butterfly strip but the first aide lady at his work says to take him to get stitches. So we are at the after hour clinic and Dayton is crying not of pain but of fear. He would whisper,"Mom I've never been this scared."Talk about tears forming. Which by the way I didn't cry.I always cry when something happens to my boys but Jamie wasn't there and I knew that I had to be strong for Dayton. "Yeah me" But I was scared too! Okay so the doctor comes in and tells us yes you need stitches. Then Dayton repeats"Mom I've never been this scared" He was shaking. So sad I wanted to trade him places for that moment. But he was actually a Big Boy! He didn't scream just tears rolled down his little face. The doctor also gave him all the tools they used to sow him up. Which Dayton was tickled then. Then we went by Wal-Mart to get a new toy. Now everything was better. When we arrived home Braylen was excited to see him and wanted to know everthing. After Dayton fell asleep Braylen asked "can I kiss my brother"More tears formed! Of course I told him yes! Then Braylen hoppes in his bed. Now hopfully this will be Our only experience of stitches! Oh yeah he got 3 stitches in case you were wondering.
The cut!
The stitches!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Ouch! Poor guy =( Hope you have a great weekend.